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Two persons taking a bath in the Skargards Regal on a mountain.
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Our team loves working with journalists to share compelling stories about our wood-fired hot tubs. If you’re a member of the media and would like to collaborate, please get in touch with us. 

Last updated on 04-12-2024

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Press release: 5 tips to create a Scandinavian wellness area in your garden – even in wintertime  

While most people enjoy spending time in their garden during spring, summer and autumn, the cold season tends to draw us indoors in front of a cosy fireplace. With a few tricks, however, your garden can remain in the spotlight all year round. Why not take the fireside evening outside with a warm soak in a wood-fired hot tub? Here are 5 ways to help you turn your garden into a winter hotspot!

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Press release: 5 ways to upgrade your Midsummer with a wood-fired hot tub  

On the night of the 21nd of June, Sweden celebrates Midsummer. The pagan festivity is all about enjoying the outdoors after the dark winter months. Midsummer is the longest day of the year and the Swedes commemorate this day of natural light as well as the turn of the season. It is often celebrated in the garden, surrounded by food, favourite people, lots of songs and games. So why not use this party as an opportunity to bring some more Swedish traditions into your own garden? A wood-fired hot tub will definitely hit the spot when it comes to the Scandinavian lifestyle and brings warmth and serenity to your home. The Swedish company Skargards Hot Tubs was founded by three friends in 2007 who wanted to bring their traditions to gardens around the world.

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Press release: Garden designer shares tips for integrating a Skargards Hot Tub  

In 2022, British garden designer Victoria Wade created a special area in her garden for her own Skargards hot tub. It is nestled between a pond and stone walls, surrounded by silver birch trees, ferns and grasses that not only provide shade but also create a unique forest atmosphere. In collaboration with Swedish company Skargards, Wade has now revealed her tips on how to design a wellness oasis with a hot tub and what to look out for.

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Press release: Wood-fired hot tubs — a growing trend in the United Kingdom

Wood-fired hot tubs are becoming more and more popular in Europe. In the UK alone, Swedish company Skargards sold 36% more hot tub in 2018 compared to the previous year. This makes the UK one of its strongest and fastest growing markets.

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Skargards listed in the FT-1000 Europe's fastest growing companies in 2018

Skargards has been ranked as one of the fastest growing companies in the 2018 FT 1000 report. The report is published by the Financial Times in Partnership with Statista and awards the European companies that achieved the highest compound annual growth rate in revenue between 2014 and 2017.

Skargards press contacts

Get in touch with our PR and Marketing Team to discuss press-related projects.

Carmen Pietras

PR Director

Collaborations and press requests

+44 74 419 22554[email protected]

Inken Weber

Creative Producer

Photo and Videocontent

+44 74 419 22554[email protected]

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Press material such as HD images can be used freely in conjunction with positive articles about Skargards products or hot tubs in general.

Always add Photo credit: Skargards Hot Tubs when using an image. For other uses, please contact us.


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Rojal 190, Denmark

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Rojal 190, Switzerland


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Panel 190, Sweden

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For more HD images, please contact Carmen Pietras

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