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Skargards Hot Tubs in United Kingdom
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Our story

From vision to reality

Although most have us have only recently discovered wood-fired hot tubs, they have been popular in Sweden for decades. In 2006, two friends saw an opportunity to enhance this quaint experience with modern materials while preserving what makes it so special in the first place. Inspired by the idea, a third friend quickly rallied to the cause. And so their journey began.

Close up of the ergonomic vat of the Skargards wood-fired hot tubs.

Mould for tub

Ergonomic tub

Their immediate goal was to improve comfort. Traditional wood-fired hot tubs offer very basic seating i.e. a wooden bench with rigid 90° angles. Prone to mould and leaks, a wooden interior is also a hassle to clean. In search of a better alternative, they found a solution in an unlikely place: sailboat hulls. These are made of glass fibre reinforced plastic, a lightweight material that could be moulded into ergonomic shapes and that would prove resistant to extreme temperature variations. Thanks to computer-generated design paired with 3D machining technology, Skargards' signature tub was born.

''As opposed to high-tech jacuzzis, we wanted to remain faithful to the elegant simplicity of the wood-fired concept and to our Scandinavian roots''

The Swedes then set their sights on another key feature of their hot tubs: the cladding. Red cedar was a popular choice of wood for this purpose, yet importing it all the way from Canada did not fit within their vision for sustainability. Preferring to continue looking for a viable option closer to home, they were rewarded for their persistence. To this day, Skargards still uses eco-certified pine wood sourced from Scandinavia that has been heat-treated, also known as ThermoWood. The environmentally-friendly thermal process confers strong weather and mould-resistant properties that match the durability of the fibreglass tub.

Last but not least, they needed to find the optimal material for their wood stoves. Early versions were made of aluminum, a low-cost material that transfers heat better than stainless steel. Yet they discovered that the effectiveness of the aluminum stove quickly decreased over time due to tar build up. Corrosion was a recurrent issue as well. Having learned their lesson, they invested in high-grade AISI 316 stainless steel instead, thus ensuring long-term durability and performance. And because it is sturdier than aluminum, it could be moulded into thinner stove walls in order to achieve the same level of heat transfer.

With all the pieces of the puzzle, Skargards finally had two premium wood-fired hot tubs in its product lineup as of 2007.

Build in version of the Panel



It wasn't long before the three friends sought their next challenge. Once again, they found inspiration in their Swedish heritage. Indeed, old Scandinavian buildings usually have a round ceramic stove, or Kakelugn, that is built into the corner of a room. Such masonry stoves are particularly renowned for their heating efficiency. It must be possible, they thought, to integrate a wood stove onto the side of the hot tub in a similar way. With the help of a thermodynamics engineer, the Skargards team unveiled its Regal model in 2012, the first-ever wood-fired hot tub with an integrated stove. It quickly became the most popular of the three models and effectively raised the bar within the industry.

With every hot tub model created, the Swedes have consistently allowed their roots to shine through. Anyone familiar with Scandinavian design knows that it is known for combining minimalism and functionality — in other words, doing more with less. In addition to high-quality materials and a strong focus on customer service, this distinctive style has also become a Skargards signature that the company will carry on into the future.

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