Company name
Hot Tub Skargards Limited
Trading under the name of 'Skargards Hot Tubs'
Tax information
HM Revenue and Customs
Company Number: 11773354
VAT Reg Number: GB315782690
Skargards Hot Tubs
Industrig. 12
662 34 Åmål
Skargards' head office and factory is located in Åmål near Vänern, the largest lake in Sweden. At this location our production, product development, warehousing and distribution takes place.
Hot Tub Skargards Ltd
5 Upper Montagu Street
London W1H 2AG
United Kingdom
Last year, we set up a local office in preparation for a no-deal Brexit outcome. We have worked hard to ensure that the entity is fully operational in that event. The office includes representatives within business development and finance.
Hot Tub Skargards GmbH
Freundallee 23
30173 Hanover
Our international customer service and sales team works from the Hannover office.
Fredrik Hofgaard
[email protected]
08000 988 988
Data protection representative
Mark Durville
[email protected]
Privacy policy
Professional liability insurance
Trygg Hansa
106 26 Stockholm